We now offer Franchise Opportunities Call 866.361.3223 for Details “TESTIMONIALS“
WE will Disinfect/Decontaminate your Residence, WorkPlace, School, Municipality, Automobile for the CORONAVIRUS giving you Peace of Mind Guaranteed as well as any other Infectious Diseases such as C-Diff, SARs, MRSA, H1N1, H5N1, Avian Influenza, Swine Influenza, etc.
We are Experts when it comes to Decontaminating: Infectious Diseases / Homicides / Suicides / DrugLabs / Hoarder / Clutter / Gross Filth / Bed Bugs / Raw Sewage / Flood Waters / Odor Remediation :
We are the Extreme Cleaning Experts!
We now offer 24 Hour Emergency Board-Up Services
Do you, or someone you know, have a hoarding problem? Most people don’t know this, but when you are hoarding things and things start to clutter up in a home, it can be really hazardous… a fire trap. That is why, if you know someone with a hoarding problem, it is best to get them help before they cause any harm to themselves or someone else with their problem. We can help with the hoarding problem, we can definitely help with the clutter clean up and organizing. Whenever you, or someone else, is in need for great hoarder, clutter clean up and organizing services around Las Vegas, Nevada, you can always call us here at Rapid Responders. When it comes to our services, we will get to you quickly and get the job done.
We now offer 24 Hour Emergency Board-Up Services
Around Las Vegas, when it comes to specialized cleaning services, no one is more qualified than the professionals at Rapid Responders, Here at Rapid Responders we offer the cleaning services that regular maid/janitorial services can’t do. From clutter cleanup, organizing, biohazard cleanup, homicide and murder cleanup, urine and vomit cleanup, suicide and blood cleanup, bed bugs, MRSA, Human Waste, Animal urine and feces, Pigeon and Rat Droppings – you can be sure that we can do the job, “We Guarantee it. When it comes to our services, we guarantee that we will get to the scene immediately and have everything thoroughly cleaned up to have the area spic and span before you know it.
We also offer Crime and Trauma Scene Decontamination Training (Crime Scene Cleaner) classes: http://www.CTS-Decon-Training-Academy.com. Anyone who has a desire to become a “Crime Scene Cleaner”
So if you are looking for a reliable company that cleans up hoarding, animal hoarding, clutter, gross filth and organizing throughout the Las Vegas area you cant go wrong by calling Rapid Responders the Real Decontamination Specialists.
- – Hoarder
- – Animal Hoarding Cleanup
- – Gross Filth
- – Trash House
- – Raw Sewage
- – Rodent
- – Pigeon Droppings
- – Bed Bug Infestation Remediation
- – H1N1 Type A Swine Influenza
- – BioHazardous – Crime Scene Clean Up
- – Crime or Trauma Scene Disinfection &
- – Decontamination
- – 24 Hour Emergency Board Up Services
- – MRSA
- – Staph Infection Decontamination
- – Flood
- – Water
- – Mold Restoration
- – PackRat
- – Foreclosure
- – Abandoned Dwelling
- – H1N5 Avian (Bird Flu) Influenza
- – Homicide
- – Suicide
- – Meth Lab
- – 24 Hour Emergency Board Up Services

All Technicians are highly trained & certified according to OSHA.gov Safety Guidelines
We utilize Non-Toxic Chemicals Disinfecting – Decontamination High Pressured Industrial Vapor Steam
Hoarder, Hoarders, Hoard, Clutter, Accumulated Possessions, Gross Filth, Trash House, Bed Bugs and MRSA… these are all DANGEROUS! The dangers of these are as follows: Health risk (Airborne Pathogens, Waterborne pathogens, Food-borne Pathogens) We are experts when it comes to helping Hoarders, Trash Houses, Gross Filth, Accumulated Clutter. We cleanup the Hoarding, Trash House, Gross Filth, and Cluttered Homes, we then disinfect every square inch, we help the home owner(s) to stay organized so that this situation does not arise again. Our team of professional Decontamination Specialist Technicians understand that most individuals collect and/or accumulate a number of items/possessions over time which they do not want to part with. There is no need for shame, embarrassment or disgust we understand and we are non-judgmental about the hoarders situation. We will work with the Hoarder to reach a non hazardous living condition and to live in some type of normality. We separate all items within the premises into three categories: 1. Absolute necessities – things that you must have. 2. Items which may be donated to a woman’s shelter (Tax Write Off) 3. TRASH – items to be disposed of.